Code API

Database Models

Base Class

Derived Classes

Generic Classes

Http Handler Classes

Base Classes

Authentication Derived Classes

REST Derived Classes

Exception Classes


Exception Module for Custome Errors

exception core.exceptions.DBConnectionError[source]

Exception used to raise a Database Connection Error.

exception core.exceptions.DBCursorError[source]

Exception used to raise a Cursor Connection Error.

exception core.exceptions.DBQueryError[source]

Exception used to raise a Query Connection Error.

exception core.exceptions.GenericException[source]
exception core.exceptions.GrantNotAuthorized[source]

Exception used to raise a grant error.

exception core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist[source]

Exception used to except if the query return a value or not.

exception core.exceptions.RestMaxCallError[source]

Exception used to raise the maximum ongoing call permitted.